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About the Institute

The Chuvash Republican Institute of Education is a state institution which is responsible for the continuing education of teachers of the republic. The Chuvash Republican Institute of Education is the main institution for consultation and support to all the schools in Chuvashia. It provides impetus for the qualitative development of the Chuvash education. This is achieved through the creation of diverse practical supportive materials for teachers, and by creating conceptual works on the urgent issues in the educational policy. The Chuvash Republican Institute of Education makes the results of its research work and practical experience available to the schools. It supports and advises the Ministry of Education of the Chuvash Republic in the development of the schools in Chuvashia.
The Institute:
-          promotes the educational, didactical and methodological work of the schools;
-          assists in the development of educational programmes of schools of all types;
-          supports the internal school development;
-          continually records data and findings connected with the Chuvash schools and nationwide educational monitoring recommendations for quality assurance of the Chuvash schools;
-          encourages educational experiments, accompanies them and evaluates them;
-          makes findings and content of media education and information and communication technology available for the schools.
There are 11 departments, 2 research centres and 2 research laboratories in the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education.
The Department of Foreign Languages ​​is a methodical educational center that is responsible for the continuing education of the teachers of foreign languages ​​as part of the modernization of the language education in the schools of the Chuvash Republic. The main directions of the activity of the Department include ongoing education of teachers in the context of the new educational policy, cooperation with local and foreign educational institutions, publishers, cultural and educational centers.


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